Just Breathe

When clients come to me for a treatment and ask if there’s anything I can give them to work on at home, the number one response I have is “breath work.” I’ll say this and most of the time, the client says it with me… they know. Breath work is SO SO SO important. Think about it. Breath IS life. You take your first breath when you are born, your last when you die and every breath in between is what keeps you alive.

I wanted to be a professional singer growing up and when I started studying energy work, I was shocked to discover that my day would start out pretty much the same way; breath work. I am forever thankful for the years of breathing exercises my voice teachers put me through because it saved my behind in healing school.

When you start to do breath work, a few things usually happen. You get bored, you feel a resistance to breathing, you get dizzy and feel sick to your stomach, or you have an emotional release. All of these things deter people from persevering and breaking down that wall that allows them to fully realize the benefits of breath work.

Breath work can calm mind chatter, reduce blood pressure, calm nerves and anxiety, wake up your chakras and meridians, and so much more. I found that I became more productive throughout the day, slept better, and had a much sharper mind early in the day. I’ve listed a few simple breath exercises below; try a few out for a few days and see if you notice any changes.

Easy breath work techniques: 

1. Alternate nostril breathing:

Take a finger and hold the right side of your nostril closed. Breath in through the left nostril slowly, perhaps on a count to five. Release your finger on your right nostril and breath out. Repeat this about 5-10 times and then switch nostrils and do the series again. This is excellent for balancing left/right brain activity, masculine/feminine energies, clearing mind chatter, reducing anxiety, and obtaining clarity of mind. This ideally should be done at least once a day, but any time you can spare to do it will definitely help.

2. 3rd Chakra Fire Breathing

Lie on your back or sit comfortably with your back straight. Use you diaphragm to quickly take a strong inhalation through your nose and then back out. You will want to make sure your air is fully expelled when you exhale and you will automatically breath in once all air is released. Do this for about 2 or 3 minutes at first and see if you can work your way up to 10. This is excellent for clearing mind chatter, activating your 3rd chakra and revving up personal power.

3. Counted breath

This one is very simple. On a count to 5, breath in slowly. Exhale on a count to 5. Repeat. I would start with a count to 5 and then start challenging yourself to work up to higher numbers. This I find to be the most calming breath exercise. I feel deeply peaceful, calm, and balanced when I do this. Make sure you aren’t breathing shallow. Bring your awareness to the lower lobes of your lungs, the sides of your torso and your heart center. Make sure you are completely filling these areas with air.

4. Liver breathing

The liver holds our anger and can sometimes even hold deep seated grief. If you’re feeling irritable, having pre-menstrual mood swings or discomfort, breast distention, dizziness or maybe even just hung over, try this to stimulate your liver and get some every flowing. Breathe in slowly through your nose until your lungs are full. Try to initiate the breath from the lower abdomen and place your awareness just below your rib cage. Exhale using an open mouthed “haaaaa” and stick your tongue out. This would be the kind of release or exhale you may do to someone after you’ve eaten tons of garlic and want to share your fumes. It’s reminiscent of a dentist’s “say ah,” but more breathy. If you’re having trouble, just think less voice and more breath. The breath is always the most important part.

I have no time to do breath work!

I hear that all the time. Sure you do. When you take a shower, when you sit in traffic, 2 minutes before bed or right before you get out. Once you start to do it, you’ll find time to do it. Everyone starts out somewhere.

Again, breath work is SO important. I can’t stress this enough. The more you do it, the more you realize the potential it has to truly transform you and break down limitations. We exercise our bodies through physical activity, we exercise our minds through learning and communication, breath work is like weight lifting for your spirit.