Waking up is hard to do!

Many of us are familiar with all the buzz around 2012, some calling it a shift, an end time, a new age, a new direction, the coming of the golden age, the age of aquarius, the awakening… It’s tough to get a grip on what it all means and not get lost in all the conspiracies, opinions and lore. The fact that all these opinions exist is actually just another indicator to what is actually happening. For if the question exists, then so does the answer. They are mutually dependent on one another.

More and more people are looking around at what exists in the world and asking what it all means. This is the first sign of waking up. We are a species that has been dreadfully drowned by misinformation and apathy. As we gain awareness to truth, changes occur within us that are difficult to deal with at times.

We are creators. Each one of us possess the responsibility to create our own experience of the universe. When we are un-aware of this, we create in what I call default mode. Whatever we worry about, stress about, put focus on (and our intentions behind it) manifest before us in seemingly random ways that never quite provide us with enough synchronicity to raise our awareness and just enough satisfaction on the surface that it reinforces the default way of being. Unknowingly, we have been asleep our entire lives. Enough! It is time to wake up!

You may hear a lot of people talking about levels of consciousness, raising your level of consciousness or reaching new states (or altered states) of consciousness. Some people associate these terms with pot smoking festival kids and yoga class. It’s much more than that. Think about what it means to be conscious. It means to be AWAKE! As we raise our consciousness, we are actually just increasing our awareness of what is around us and waking up to information that has been hidden because parts of us were still asleep.

Everyone knows the feeling when a foot goes numb from sitting awkwardly. It feels like it’s not there until it tingles and twitches as it wakes up. Well, think about that for parts of you that you didn’t realize were there. If you were born with a numb, invisible foot and then one day it started to wake up, what would you do? You’d be thrilled! Suddenly walking is made so much easier! As parts of you begin to wake up, it’ll be awkward and tingly and a little strange. Once you move past the discomfort, BAM- living- so much easier!

One of the biggest factors in how comfortable the awakening process will be is how much compassion you have for others. If you are self-serving and self-centered, you are playing on the opposite side of the team. Self-service does not sustain life and whatever does not sustain life, the universe eventually destroys.

If you are compassionate towards others and focus less on what you want and desire for yourself and put more focus into helping others or sharing with others, you will see a change. The universe provides the playing field for whatever we create. There is a collective consciousness that we are all connected to but to most it is still far from their current level of consciousness. Time is speeding up and more and more people are showing subtle signs of waking up. Take a moment and think about where your focus has been and where has the focus been for others around you?

It may seem like big companies are getting whatever they want and those that care for the masses are left with nothing, but that’s a perception still within the old framework. We have been taught that money, jobs, big families, cars, clothes… all these THINGS are to be valued and that status and knowledge can be attained with the right upbringing and combination of these things. It’s all backwards. Knowledge is completely free and universal. The collective consciousness provides information about anything you want or need to know- anything. What we’ve lost by focusing on these things is community and abundance- limitless abundance. It exists in the world today, right now, but it’s in the wrong hands because our cookie jar was raided while we were sleeping.

The alarm is going off- it’s time to stop hitting the snooze button and start waking up!

Here’s what you can do to be more active in your process: 

  • Find a guide or energy healer. 

Letting go of old habits, behaviors and patterns can be uncomfortable and challenging. However, the short period of discomfort is relieved by endless joy, abundance, love and knowledge. It is worth it. Finding guidance from a healer is well worth it. 

Check out www.singingbutterfly.com if you’re in the Western Washington area.

Other states, check out www.americanassociationofhealers.com or http://www.holisticnetworker.com/. There are plenty of other sites for finding a healer in your area, but these should help get you started.

  • Meditate with intention

What is it that you want to create in the world? Get a group together to find like ideas and meditate with intention for even just a few minutes once or twice a week. Meditate on your own each morning or evening and visualize future places, events, ways of being. 

  • Give gifts and grattitude

Give without expecting anything in return. Start a grattitude journal and make a list of all the things your are grateful for each day or each week. Pause when in nature to thank the Earth for providing this moment. Thank the bees or butterflies for their polinating dance as they fly by you. Thank the sun for warming your face. 

  • Breath work!

Check out my previous blog for some breath exercise suggestions- Just Breathe.

  • Play

Life is fun. Find opportunities to tap into that inner child. Laughter is one of the best ways to raise our frequencies and when we do it in groups, it has immense power.

  • Talk to those around you

I often find that once people start thinking differently about their lives, they often think that those around them will judge them. Don’t worry. Once you move towards full consciousness, others around you will either follow your lead or slowly pull away. Relationships that are not meant to be or are not serving a greater purpose may change. Allow these fluctuations to occur. Also allow new relationships to blossom. You will find that the universe will place just the right people in your path at just the right time.

I’m more excited now for the future than I have ever been. I receive my information from guides that I have gotten to know over the years as well as books and classes. I find that the closer I get to full consciousness, others around me go through changes as well. I know it can be difficult and unsettling- it’s hard to see the world you once knew become something so different. The more we reach out and share this information, the easier it will become for all of us.

I wish you all a safe healing journey.

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