The Winds of Karma May Change Your Mind

Ah… the winds of karma. What we send out returns to us in greater force. Or does it?

My guides recently gave me an important lesson in karma. In meditation I was greeted with the news that I had been betrayed by a loved one and that person was given an opportunity to fess up or pay up. The situation itself was several years old and even hearing the news I really had no emotional connection to whether it had really happened or not. I thought that if the winds of karma were upon his tail, it would make more sense if the act for which he was being “punished” was actually something that caused trauma or negative emotions in the one who was betrayed. If I had no real feelings on the situation and just saw it as a “just what is” type of incident then wouldn’t it mean the punishment he was perceiving was from his own guilt and/or shame instead of receiving back what he had dished out?

The goddess of karma sent a clear message his way that the winds of karma would soon change his mind. I thought, “but we’re past this. It doesn’t mean anything to me other than what is. I forgive him.”

My guides told me that I was next. I wondered what misguided deed I had done in the past that I would now have to confront. The winds of karma blew and I saw a vision of a former partner. He had been hurt badly by our break-up years ago and the goddess of karma said this one was for the both of us. We spoke our apologies and plead for forgiveness, but the winds of karma blew harder. The heartbreak that had been felt was far too much for us to make up for. As the winds blew to nearly the point of no return a voice asked us if we were ready to receive our punishment for the dark that we had played.

“Punishment? There should be no punishment,” I said. “I know the essence of spirit and divine will and it is an all-fogiving love. I do not carry sorrow within me about the choices I’ve made in my life. If I carried them with me before, I have since learned to recognize the beauty in all that is. There is no punishment because divine will needs moments of pain and chaos in order to make necessary changes where things are not working. I know fully in my heart that although I was the catalyst for much emotional trauma in this person that once they were able to transcend their emotional despair, he found a stronger sense of self and synchronicities were able to line up in his life to lead him on his true path. His true path was not with me and in the act of moving on, I freed the both of us from a reality that was not meant to be.”

The winds of karma grew still until I realized I was looking at an elderly man with a funny mustache who just smiled politely at me as if I had just completed my lesson. He dissipated into the winds of karma in a tornado ascending back to the space above us. Good job.

The lesson here? Karma makes it possible for you to make amends or clear any disharmonious emotional baggage you have carried with you that you consciously want to resolve. If you believe you have wronged others, karma will bring you opportunities to right what you’ve done and remove the old wound from your field. These old wounds are heavy and if you are going to integrate more light into your body, then they need to go!

You are not at the mercy of karma unless you believe yourself to be. If you believe that karma is a bitch and out to get you- it will be! You have relinquished your own power to something outside of yourself. The act of clearing karma is not only the action of resolving past issues (at your own pace and in your own way) but also breaking free of the mindset that something is out to get you. In the 5th dimension we are aligned with divine will. There is no judgement here- only love and acceptance. Out of disharmony comes the potential for harmony and we continue upon this ebb and flow in order to grow.

What many perceive to be karma is actually the law of attraction at its best work. If you radiate disharmony, you will attract it to yourself. You are a magnet that attracts like frequencies. Now, you have to power to shift your choices at any time and begin to choose for the higher good, but the winds of karma will not knock on your door 10 years from now to drag you into the pits of hell for your past doings. However, if you believe that it will… it will. If you are able to move beyond your actions in the past and see them for what they really were- moments of disharmony for which the potential to create harmony was finally realized- you are already on your way to breaking free of your karmic cycle. Remember, when one moves from the darkness into the light you are often a powerful inspiration for others to follow your example. If you were to be punished after transcending that existence, why would anyone ever want to change? It just doesn’t make sense.

When you spend more time communicating with your higher self and integrate the lessons brought to you- it should all begin to make more sense. Not less. Move away from thought patterns and belief systems that are set out to confuse you. There has been a lot put out there just to cause a tangled cluster of nonsense in our heads so we don’t utilize the creative powers of the universe to its full potential. Once you start letting go of old paradigms, you truly do find yourself a free being.

The Alignment of the 5th Dimension

After taking a break from blogging for a while to tackle some intense spiritual encounters, I’m happy to say I’m feeling grounded again. The shift is definitely upon us and I have been feeling the gusts of its mighty wind for a few adventurous weeks. While reveling in the bliss of unconditional love and synchronicities, I have also had to do battle with the depths of inner demons and nasty energetic attachments. It is from this incredible journey that I am brought back to home to share some of my lessons with any who are ready to learn.

The alignment statement:

Over a year ago my partner and I (we recently got engaged!) began practicing with various forms of breath work while incorporating intentional statements, affirmations and gemstone meditation. We had received a rather large piece of malachite from a couple of close friends a few years back as a birthday gift and had always felt very soothed by its energies. On a whim, I looked into affirmation statements for malachite and discovered that it was helpful in aligning one’s will with the will of the divine. I created an affirmation statement for follow my meditative practice using a slow, counted breath (counting to 10 during inhalation, hold for 10, release on exhale for 10 and repeat). The affirmation I used was loosely as follows: ” My will is aligned with the will of the divine and I proceed through life with confidence and higher purpose.” After doing the meditation only a few times, I started to more clearly hear my guides who proceeded to lead me through a series of informal (and sometimes very formal) exercises, classes and lessons.

I learned there was a serious connection to this alignment statement that many of my other mediation partners had not yet tapped into. I shared my experience with my partner who had yet to share in the heightened awareness I was now experiencing. After a few frustrating sessions and a moment at which he felt like giving up, he surrendered. He said, “Show me! If there is a higher purpose out there and I am a piece of this mystical puzzle then show me! I align my will with that of the divine creator and I shall carry out the will of the divine!” Shortly thereafter, he too began to have higher sense perceptions that were almost sharper than mine and I was a trained practitioner.

The 5th Dimension:

The 5th dimension is the dimension in which we align ourselves with our higher dimensional self and the will of the divine. Our guides are there to help us in our journeys. They have been there forever and they want to help us. However, since they are vehicles of the divine, they  cannot interfere with free will. You have to actively seek their assistance. The more you act in line with the requests of the divine or your guides and you continue to make your alignment statement, the more powerful the results.

Free will vs. Divine will is the ultimate battle between good and evil, light and dark. If we choose actions that are out of alignment with the divine (the master plan, god’s will or the greater good) we allow evil (demons, entities, or the destructive force) room to play. Once you align yourself, you are actively stating to the universe that you are committing yourself to working for the whole- whatever it takes. Now you don’t always have to act in accordance with the whole, but you must find a balance in it. 51% of the time to be exact.

Get Ready:

You will never become less powerful… well, unless your karma is out of balance. The flood of higher sense perceptions can be uncomfortable to say the least. Do some preliminary house cleaning first. What do you surround yourself with? Images, books, music and art that emit destructive frequencies will only bring more disharmony into your home. Do you have some personal work or shadow integration to do? Do you think your life is a wreck or do you have obstacle after obstacle jumping in the way of your goals? You may have some unhealthy energetic attachments drawing these experiences towards you. It may be helpful to do some service to others, some gifting or positive thought affirmations before aligning yourself. Once you align yourself the game is on. You are an instrument of the divine and anything that needs clearing will be knocking at your door and sometimes at very inconvenient times. Cultivate a lifestyle that promotes healing and balance before jumping into this. Find an energy therapist to help guide you through your process so you don’t spin out into a healing crisis. If you’re in the Seattle, Wa area come to one of my workshops to gain greater awareness of your own energetic qualities.

Life is Joyful:

Be present in your experience. It is all here for a reason and you are more powerful than ever. It is only because you are so powerful that you have the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing journey. Never forget that when you feel your energy drained, a little burst of honest and heartfelt gratitude will send some universe juice your way. Drink it up.